This video was developed by the National Park Service and AMSA. It highlights how to drive on the beach and what equipment you are required to have to drive in the OSV area.
Q: What is the recommended tire pressure to drive on the beach?
A: Many tires are different, but 15 lbs of air pressure usually is the best. The trick is to make sure your tires belly out, this allows for more of your tire to touch the surface of the sand.
Q: Does Assateague Island have air pumps to re-inflate my tires?
A: Yes, right after you exit the OSV area.
Q: What should I do if I get stuck on the beach?
A:Don't spin your tires anymore once you realized you have stopped moving, this will keep you from making the holes deeper for you to get out of.
- Check to make sure you 4-wheel drive is engaged, many vehicles have manual lock hubs in the front, make sure they are locked in.
- With your shovel dig in front of all 4 tires at least 1-2 feet, to give your tires enough room to get out of the hole.
- Check your air pressure and lower a few more lbs.
-Get into your vehicle and move it forward and backward a few times, if you still don't get out, flag down someone who may be able to assist you to get out.
- Lastly, cover up your holes you left, this will keep other vehicles from getting stuck in your holes.
Q: Can I stay on the beach overnight with my vehicle?
A: If you are actively fishing you can stay on the beach overnight. If you aren't fishing but have a self-contained unit you can camp overnight in the bullpen area.
Q: Does Assateague allow Dual-tire vehicles on in the OSV area?
A: Yes, Dual wheel trucks are allowed to drive in the OSV area.
Q: What is the fee to drive on the beach?
A: To drive on the beach you will need a OSV permit, depending if you are just going to spend your time there during the day, overnight, or camping in the bullpen with a self contained unit, the fees vary from $90-$150. Don't forget you also need to pay a park entrance fee, which you can purchase a 7 day pass or annual pass
Q: Why are certain portions of the OSV closed during the year?
A: The beach may be closed for many circumstances including weather related, over wash to sections of the beach, and/or closures for protected species.
Q: What do I do if I see illegal activity on the beach, such as speeding, reckless driving, people entering a closed area of the beach?
A: Call the Ranger Station at 410-641-3030. Provide as much information as possible such as vehicle description and/or tag information.