Application for 2025 AMSA Scholarship (pdf)
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The Following article was taken from an unknown publisher on Dec. 30, 1965
"A group of ardent fishermen, hunters and outdoor lovers has formed the Assateague Beach Buggy Association, the aims of which are to "join in the formal organization all persons interested in the natural beach resources of the state, and to work as an instrument to secure acceptance of certain beach rules which will benefit the sport of beach buggying and saltwater Fishing.
A membership drive is now under way and acting ABBA President Roland Wainwright presents the first membership card to Bill Scott of Berlin, an old-time and ardent beach buggier.
"There are probably a thousand beach buggy owners in the Berlin and Ocean City area", said Wainwrite, "and we want to mold these into an organization that can get something done in the way of beach preservation and proper conservation of the waters, beaches and marine sport of this part of the state.
The formation of this organization takes on added significance with the arrival here of government agencies to acquire certain portions of Assateague and with the opening of the headquarters of the park superintendent, Burt Roberts.
Initiation fee and dues total $7.00 a year.
Among the benefits of belonging to the organization is that aid will be offered to any fishermen or beach buggy when he is in trouble, and to "fill up holes after becoming stuck." Over crowding of fishing areas is also discouraged, so that anglers without beach buggy's will be protected. All those who want to benefit joining this organization are asked to see or contact Roland Wainwrite or Bill Scott
There have been many adaptations and changes to improve our non-profit organization since 1965. Our membership has grown tremendously and Assateague remains beautiful and maintained to this day. The AMSA still holds the same core values today that they did back in 1965 with many improvements to adapt to new laws and regulations. We are very active in our local community and host many events including an annual Camporee, Fishing Tournament, Take a Kid Fishing, & Beach Clean ups throughout the year.
We have also taken on a more proactive legislative role as we feel we must in order to preserve our rights to beach access for all and maintain our code of ethics. We have partnered with the
National Park service to aid and support Assateague Island in any way that is not a conflict of interest. As well as made numerous trips to Washington, DC to meet with members of congress in the interest of the General Management plan for Assateague Island.
1: To enter and leave beaches in prescribed ways.
2: To eliminate speeding and reckless driving and observe the posted speed limits at all times and observe a speed limit of not more than 15 miles per hour when approaching other vehicles or pedestrians.
3: To respect local, state, and national ordinances and the right of property owners, particularly in regard to camping.
4: To offer aid to fisherman or buggy owner in trouble on the beach.
5: To respect picnicking and bathing groups by (a) avoiding them whenever possible and (b) slowing to minimum speed when passing picnicking or bathing groups.
6: To avoid littering the beach with trash, beer cans, etc. by using trash barrels when available, or by removing from beach.
7: To leave no dead fish or bait of any kind above the high water mark. Throw dead fish and bait back into the surf where they will be found by gulls and scavengers.
8: To use public toilets when available or self-contained units owned by the members or other and to refrain at all times from using any portion of the public beach for toilet purposes.
9: To avoid overcrowding of any one area and elbowing other fishermen out of their own chosen spots. This is particularly important where fishermen without buggies are concentrated.
10: To leave the track when a halt is made, so that other buggies will not be forced to detour.
11: To fill in holes after getting stuck, and to avoid indiscriminately criss-crossing tracks.
12: To observe the rules of common courtesy on the beach.
8847 Eagles Nest Rd, Berlin, Maryland 21811, United States